Kids Film Environmental Movie Workshop

  • Location
    Columbia, Maryland
  • Status
  • Age Level
    8 to 10 Years
    11 to 13 Years
  • Group Type
    School-Based Program

The Problem

Some children are unaware of environmental issues, and don't know how they can help.

Our Plan

I would like to hold classes at a reduced cost making them affordable for everyone, teaching children to make movies about environmental issues, which they can then submit to the Maryland Children's Environmental Film festival. Some film topics include storyboarding, stop motion/live action/mixed media, storytelling, documentary vs. fiction, and scriptwriting. Students would be able to make a movie about a cause that they are inspired to take action about and share with an audience. Topics can include any kid-friendly environmental issue, animals and wildlife, and kindness.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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