Kern County Animal Service Adoption Event

  • Location
    Bakersfield, California
  • Status

The Problem

My Roots and Shoots Club members and I wish this project will continue throughout the upcoming years to make the world a better place. We hope to see next years members continue this project to help "drain the kennels." With the help of our members, we can help fund raise and find homes for any animal that is lonely. Not only do we wish to continue this project through the club, but hopefully the public could follow in our footsteps.

Our Plan

Our project is helping the homeless animals in the shelters. By attending animal shelter events, one can simply ask for donations during the event that can be given to the animal shelter foundation. We also had a school wide drive to collect blankets, pillows, milk bone treats, and dog bowls. By helping with this event, our members helped to "drain the kennel" and attempted to make every animals dream come true (to have a home).

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
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    Pets & Companion Animals
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The Benefit

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