Kanamba P/S in Kasese district (gardening project)

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The Problem

help students, teachers learn about the multiple benefits of school gardening and solve the problem of hunger at school which mostly affects the performance of children at school

Our Plan

Gardening offers hands-on, experiential learning opportunities in a wide array of disciplines. School gardening offers children opportunities for outdoor exercise while teaching them a useful skill. There is mounting evidence that active learning in less structured, participatory spaces like gardens is more likely to transform children’s food attitudes and habits, and that school gardening, especially when combined with a healthy lunch program or nutritional education, encourages more healthful food choices. R&S students of Kanamba P/S started up a garden at school which has maize, cabbages and egg plants. students plan after harvesting to sell some of their produce to buy scholastic materials for the needy/orphans in the school.

Themes Addressed

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    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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