“Just Bag It!”

  • Location
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
  • Status

The Problem

Since only one out of every 200 plastic bags is recycled, we would like to work with our local legislatures to ban the use of single use plastic bags. We are a conservation group that works on behalf of all animals and our environment. 100,000 marine animals are killed each year by plastic bags. This is unacceptable and we want to see a change in our lifestyles that will minimize our carbon footprints on earth. One to two million plastic bags being used each minute around the world. It takes them more than 500 years to break down in a landfill. Even then, they do not completely degrade and end up as micro plastics that absorb toxins and continue to pollute the environment. Reusable shopping bags play a significant role in making our planet a healthier one.

Our Plan

Our goal is to supply customers at our local grocery stores with reusable shopping bags free of charge until supplies are depleted. Additionally, we would like to provide educational literature to consumers to help raise awareness about the problems associated with the use of single use plastic bags. Then, we want to meet with local politicians to discuss the ban of plastic bags in our county with hopes of expanding the ban statewide.

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The Benefit

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