Junior Janes

  • Location
    Brownington, Vermont
  • Status

The Problem

This project will go along with Dr. Jane Goodall's belief that no matter your circumstance. Everyone including you can make a difference. It is my wish to bring girls together to create more harmony,less conflict,be more accepting of others, no matter your differences. We need to build up more positive communities and be more supportive as young women. By working together,we can aid in depression,learn better team work skills,be more accepting of different cultures and beliefs and become more compassionate,hard working young women. My hope for this program is to provide a safe outlet for girls of all walks of life to share ,learn and grow together.

Our Plan

I want to create a safe space for girls ages 10-18 to feel safe where they can express their feelings and ideas without reprimand or judgement. I want to build a more positive community and plan more volunteer opportunities as individuals and as a group. I want us all to be more open to ideas and to be more including for girls who are struggling with self esteem and friendships. Often working alongside rescue animals,reading to shelter cats and caring compassionate people,it has been proven to reduce stress,aid in depression and boost self esteem . Creating volunteer opportunities will help girls like myself realize their potential,develop skills,empowerment and become more self aware of actions, words and their impact. It is my hope to encourage female freindships,help focus on our future and introduce new ideas and more positive female role models and approaches to difficult situations with peers.

Themes Addressed

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    Indigenous Rights
  • term icon
    Peace & Safety

The Benefit

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