Job Shadowing: Girls in STEM

  • Location
    Yorba Linda, California
  • Status

The Problem

78% of school-aged girls have an interest in STEM, yet women only make up 25% of the STEM workforce. We are determined to change that through education, marketing, and community service. We hold monthly events and to date, we have held private telescope events through the Challenger Space Shuttle Center, built robots to donate to underserved girls, using recycled materials through Child Creativity Lab for Creative Use, held a private coding workshop through the University of Caifornia, Irvine, and partnered with Society of Women Engineers as K-12 Outreach board members.

Our Plan

With a $200 Roots and Shoots mini-grant, we will send 5 girls (age minimum is 13, so only a few of our members qualify) to a Job Shadowing class at Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA. The choices include Veterinary Medicine, Mammalogy, Marine Biology, and others. This unique program is consistent with the goals of both Roots and Shoots, in its environmental impact, as well as our group, MESSAGE, in advocating the importance of STEM fields for females.

Themes Addressed

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    Clean Water
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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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