It’s Your Water!

  • Location
    Lake Wales, Florida
  • Status

The Problem

My wish is that our students become more environmentally aware of the world around them and that what we do as people has a tremendous impact on the environment.

Our Plan

*Students will learn the importance of the Floridan Aquifer to their drinking water and life *Students will research and test local water sites via field trips in a collaborative effort between college, middle school, and elementary school students. These trips will take place on a floating classroom, as well as stations related to surface water, groundwater, and sinkhole formation *Students will be able to listen to and question local wildlife and conservation specialists relating to how we acquire our drinking water from the aquifer and how what we do as humans affects our water supply not just for us, but for other wildlife, including Florida Scrub and Sand Hill areas *Students will Skype with a school in England to compare water issues in a different part of the world *Students will research and create a brochure and presentation for school families and community population

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water

The Benefit

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