Involving Children with Animals Network (I CAN)

  • Location
    Missouri City, Texas
  • Status

The Problem

My wish for this project is for children to become more sensitive toward animals, domestic or wild. With children teaching other children how to get involved in abused and neglected animal organizations or rescue groups, by organizing fundraisers and communication, it will teach children to be more aware and how to be better adults. Perhaps this type of education, by children for children, it will start a chain reaction of kind acts. Children and animals are connected...they both need other to care for them. If more rescue groups and animals organizations sought help and volunteering from children, it would make us stand up and be leaders.

Our Plan

With a uniting of animal rescue groups/organizations and children, it will promote leadership in children who will in turn bring lemonade stands, gofundme's, and school collections to their neighborhoods and communities. Children (with the help of adults) are fully capable of planning with their school principals and organizing friends and classmates to take action!!! Research local rescues or national organizations whose cause you believe in, tell them you'd like to help by organizing a fundraiser...and take action! Then you can start recruiting friends and classmates to help you!! Create posters after school or at home, plan your event, and watch it take off.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Pets & Companion Animals
  • term icon

The Benefit

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