Here is how the project went:
This went very well. We did celebrate Birthday with our dear senior in 2021. Not only for August 2020, but also for August, 2021 we celebrate National Senior Citizens Day (August 21st, 2021).
Through this project I/we learned:
Together we can do it, no matter it is virtual concert, or home-made letter/cards campion, it did make a difference in our senior citizens' community.
What I/we might change:
Encourage more young volunteers nationally (try to do such event beyond Nebraska State) to join us in the near future.
My/our favorite part of this project was:
When we physically delivered B-day cards and gifts to our dear senior citizen, we surprised her and brought joy to her and her husbands. This moment is my favorite.
Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:
Encourage more young volunteers nationally (try to do such event beyond Nebraska State) to join us in the near future. We did it in September 2021.