Inspire Action – HOPE Changemakers YouTube Channel

  • Location
    Northville, Michigan
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age
  • Group Type
    Community-Based Program

The Problem

We feel that people may be confused or feel helpless when thinking about the climate crisis. We want to inspire young people and adults to make changes through simple actions that we all can make. We also want to highlight businesses doing the right thing.

Our Plan

We are creating a YouTube Channel and possibly other social media platforms for our Roots and Shoots Group that will provide one video per day for Earth Month (April) 2023. Each video will provide information, ideas for actions to take, and ways to inspire others to take action. Our hope is that by lifting our voices and sharing our stories, others will be inspired to make change and in turn, share their ideas and changes with others, spreading an infinite wave of action and inspiration.

Themes Addressed

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    Climate Change
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    Dr. Jane Goodall
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    Ocean Pollution & Acidification
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    Zero Waste

The Benefit

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Here is how the project went:

We stuck to our goal and made 30 videos, one for every day of Earth Month! Our YouTube Channel is getting some attention, but we are still under 500 subscribers. Overall, we feel very proud that we were able to complete this goal!

Through this project I/we learned:

We learned about so many changes we could make to lower our carbon footprint, and we learned about how to best communicate eco ideas to others in a positive way.

What I/we might change:

We might try to record more videos of us doing the things we are talking about. We may continue to record more videos to try to spread more hope!

My/our favorite part of this project was:

Hearing from people who watched our videos about the things they learned, the changes they have made, and how they have shared what they learned with others.

Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:

When we started this, we thought most people wouldn't be interested in hearing from 2 young kids, but we were really surprised when adults, kids, and teens all complimented our videos, thanked us for making them and sharing them, and have made positive changes. Our tip would be not to underestimate yourself and your influence. We all have the power to spread hope and all of our voices matter.

About Roots & Shoots

We are nurturing the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

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