The Problem
Holmes Middle School Students in Action is building a "comfort" closet to provide emergency nourishment and basic necessities at no cost to Holmes’ and local schools neediest students. The Comfort Closet will house school supplies, gift cards, hygiene supplies, food, and clothing that school counselors will have access to to provide for our neediest students.
Our Plan
First, we partnered with the CSUN Food Pantry and YMCA to help us understand how to create a comfort closet. This information will be included in a video created by our SIA team to share facts about homelessness. The plight of the homeless families in our school and throughout LAUSD can be viewed during advisory classes to create awareness and discussion. Second, we will create an flyer informing the community of the items we need. As we collect these items they will be stored in a secure closet for the counselors to have access to. The supplies will be stored in labeled boxes.