Herb Garden

  • Location
    Los Angeles, California
  • Status

The Problem

My high school students with autism will grow herbs in raised beds for the school's culinary arts class. This project will be used to teach vocational skills, mathematics, science and health, technology, social and communication skills. We hope to grow the following herbs: Rosemary, thyme, basil, mint, cilantro, parsley, marjoram, chives. The herb garden will allow culinary arts students to have access to fresh food.

Our Plan

This project is designed to have nondisabled culinary students work as peers/mentors with students with autism. This project will allow students with autism to be more included in school life. The students with autism will be contributing directly to the culinary arts program and the culinary arts students will peer/mentor the herb growers as they work together to prepare simple meals. If all goes well, this idea will be expanded to include other ideas that the students may create to work together. In the long term, the students will run this project according to their own visions.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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