Herb Garden Math

  • Location
    Charlemont, Massachusetts
  • Status

The Problem

We are hoping to start an herb garden, maintained completely by the 5th grade. These herbs will be grown for their health or culinary benefits, through research gathered by the class. The students will be required to be fiscally responsible of the project; buying supplies within budget and selling potted, dried, and fresh herbs at the farmer's market for a profit. Through this project our students and community will be exposed to herbs and the process of growing plants they may not otherwise have met!

Our Plan

These herbs will be grown for their health or culinary benefits, through research gathered by the class. The students will be required to be fiscally responsible of the project; buying supplies within budget and selling potted, dried, and fresh herbs at the farmer's market for a profit.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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