Helping Monarch Butterflies with Milkweed

  • Location
    Selden, New York
  • Status

The Problem

Monarch Butterflies are amazing animals that are in trouble because of climate change and habitat loss. Due to the use of herbicides, there are fewer and fewer milkweed plants, which are the only plants the Monarch will lay her eggs on and when they hatch, the caterpillars will eat. My goal is to educate the public about the plight of the Monarch and teach people how to plant milkweed (and other native flowers that provide nectar) to help the Monarchs. Even though I am only 11 years old, my family has been very supportive in my decisions as a conservationist. I am homeschooled and that has given me the chance and time to study many environmental causes and sciences, such as lepidopterology. I live by the saying "Mighty oaks from little acorns grow," and no matter how young someone is, everyone can make a difference in helping our world.

Our Plan

I will conduct classes teaching about the amazing Monarch Butterfly, including their life cycle, migration, dangers they face, ways they help us, such as their role as pollinators, and how we can help them. I will present a Powerpoint presentation that includes vivid images, maps, and statistics, and then the class participants will make milkweed and native flowering seed bombs as well as plant milkweed seeds in pots to be started indoors.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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