Healthy School Lunches

  • Location
    Port Jefferson, New York
  • Status

The Problem

We as students feel that our school lunches have a huge impact on each individual. Therefore, my club and I want to improve the lunches that our given. In order promote healthy eating we wanted to start at home. Our lunches are supposed to be the fuel and supply us with energy. However, some have said that it does the exact opposite and many people because of its conditions throw out the lunches they buy. Not only are we throwing away money but more importantly the resource, food. So, we want to bring into the lunch room fresh, and local lunches which don't look like chips with plastic cheese on them. We also want to bring into the lunch room recyclable utensils and plates. This way we are making a good small step towards a bigger cause.

Our Plan

We have already spoken to our principle about our ideas. Now it's up to us to make a presentation and bring it to the board to convey the importance of this. Right now we have a contract with a food company. So, we need to figure out the necessary steps for that. Therefore a lot of research is involved as well as getting in touch with other students to get their opinion and unite the school as one. We will take it one step at a time.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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