Habitat building for Birds, Bats and Bees.

  • Location
    Cape Elizabeth, Maine
  • Status
  • Project created by sandy

The Problem

To help with creating habitats for native birds, bats, and nectar gathering insects.

Our Plan

Building bird and bat houses, as well as planting flowers to help with the health of native bees and butterflies. These houses will be brought to homeowners at no cost to be placed on their properties. Gathering interested students in our community through word of mouth and a website with the project information. We will hold monthly meetings to build and plan the needed houses for the birds and bats, and also put up posters in local stores letting people know we will plant seeds of non-invasive flowers in the spring to attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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