Growing Relationships

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

Our hope is to develop an outdoor area that reflects the natural beauty of the Chihuahua Desert's native species that is safe and easily accessible to folks who might have difficulty getting around and that has cool and comfortable places to sit and relax and enjoy the environment. We want our neighbors at the nursing home to have a place where they can get some fresh air and exercise or sit and visit with friends or family members. The development of relationships between our R&S group members and the residents of the nursing home is an important part of this project, as we believe that both groups have much to share with each other and that both will be better offbecause of our partnership.

Our Plan

Develop & Maintain an outdoor recreation area for the residents of our neighboring nursing home. We will partner with different local businesses as well as the nursing home staff and residents to clean the lot, grade the walkways, build the shade structures, install benches, trashcans, and signs, establish the "garden" areas and create a water delivery system.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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