“Grow with me” garden

  • Location
    Briarcliff, New York
  • Status

The Problem

To create a garden where the children of Briarcliff Nursery School can grow their own fruits and vegetables for snacks and cooking projects. We wish to foster in our children a love and respect for nature, to support and encourage their natural affinity for the outdoors. We wish for them to experience the sense of accomplishment and wonder that comes with planting a seed, tending to it, seeing it grow, harvesting its fruit, and nourishing their community with a delicious meal.

Our Plan

We will build a garden in the back yard of the school that is fenced to keep out the deer that are prevalent eaters here, with raised beds to be used for planting in the spring of 2018. The garden will be built by parent volunteers from our school, including members of the newly formed Green Committee. The design for the garden will be a collaborative effort between parents, teachers, and children.

Themes Addressed

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    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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