Greeting Cards for Meals on Wheels

  • Location
    Los Angeles, California
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

The hardships of the coronavirus have made it very difficult for seniors to get in-home visits and receive the food they need. Food insecurity is making many seniors feel down when they can’t go outside to buy their own food and are constantly being reminded on the news of how risky supermarkets can be. We would like to make someone\'s day a little happier and remind them of a hopeful future.

Our Plan

We will be crafting over a hundred greeting cards for seniors who are currently receiving food from Meals on Wheels due to the devastating effects of the coronavirus. A positive and brightly colored card along with a meal provided by Meals on Wheels is a great way that we are helping our community feel comforted. We will make each greeting card special as a simple reminder that someone cares about them.

Themes Addressed

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    Reasons for Hope

The Benefit

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