Greenhouse Initiative

  • Location
    Milford, Connecticut
  • Status

The Problem

To build a greenhouse on campus. The greenhouse will be used for growing flowers to support our two existing butterfly gardents as well as vegetables for a farm-to-table program. The greenhouse will be maintained by the club but will be accessible to all teachers and students: the health and nutrition classes will participate in the farm-to-table program; the AP ES classes will conduct agricultural themed projects in the greenhouse; religion classes will use the greenhouse in their community caring unit. We also have plans to incorporate the broader community through an outreach program with our local senior center.

Our Plan

To complete this project, we applied for (and received!) two small grants to help with purchasing supplies. We researched and selected the most appropriate structure for our budget. We also met with our cafeteria service in regards to the farm-to-table portion of the project. And, of course, we had a community build date when we raised the structure!

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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