The Problem
My hope for this project is to see it succeed. this project will serve as a model for empowering the world. GREEN PARADISE MODEL PROJECT IS born from The association CENTRE DES HOMMES which aims to build an Ecovillage or artisnal and cultural center for young people. This green building center will create a framework for employing young people and for the transformation of the food Togo to expand the country's food security. this center would be an agricultural training without chemical Fertilizers and africa arts. come and join us. GLOBAL GOAL: Facilitate the improvement of environmental and socio-economic rural by awareness and training activities integrating a participatory and inclusive approach. Specifically, supervised activities for the fight against poverty, improved food security and living conditions of vulnerable populations nutritional, environmental monitoring and sustainable management of natural resources in agricultural areas. This project is supported by the volunteer trip in Togo. Volunteers who come to work here locally in our project in behalf of our Association by a participation fees. We are Centre des Hommes social purpose embodying the principles of fair trade artisan works we produce.