GREEN Freshman Academy Project

  • Location
    Boynton Beach, Florida
  • Status

The Problem

Our project is designed to make our Freshman academy area beautiful, to change it from stark and empty white concrete buildings to a beautiful, colorful, lush area that includes GREEN messages and inspires students to care about and for their environment, beginning with their school and radiating out into their community.

Our Plan

We plan to paint each white classroom building (each is a single classroom) with low VOC environmentally friendly paint, and build a beautiful ecologically friendly garden in all the open areas between buildings and along the paths. We will paint a variety of murals with green messages, especially the three R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We will generate informational signs about environmental stewardship and ways for teens to make a positive impact.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon

The Benefit

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We are nurturing the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

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