Giving Tree Project

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The Problem

The Giving Tree project will give mango trees to children from birth to 5 years old. The trees take approximately 5 - 7 years to produce fruit. By the time the tree produces fruit the child will be old enough to attend school. In order to attend school in one of the nine villages Haiti Plunge Inc. serves a tuition is charged. Unless a child has a sponsor or a way to pay the cost of tuition they cannot attend school. The sale of the mangos will give the child sufficient funds to pay their tuition. The mango trees produce fruit annually. The mango tree also grows deep roots which helps to control the erosion that is widespread throughout the mountains in Haiti.

Our Plan

The trees will be distributed to the children in March, April, and May when U.S. Haiti Plunge teams are in Haiti. HPI will purchase the trees and have the parents of each child come to the village center to pick up the tree and plant it for their child. Photos of each child receiving a tree will be taken and kept on file so that HPI can do a periodic follow up for five years on the growth and development of the tree to see how much fruit it produces. In 2015 the Giving Tree Project provided an opportunity for 70 children to attend school.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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