Giving More Grace to “Grace to Go”

  • Location
    Leesburg, Virginia
  • Status

The Problem

Our Church is part of a group called "Grace to Go," which cooks and packages full meals for one hundred "food insecure people" many Sunday afternoons out of the year. These families and individuals pick up the warm, full course meals at our parking lot on Mondays throughout the year. We want to provide colorful placemats and after dinner mints every other month during the year. We want to show support and kindness to people who may not feel that in their lives regularly.

Our Plan

Students will display their map of the community including our church, the parking lot, grocery stores, and the restaurant that donates space for the meals to be prepared. We will invite a leader from the local food bank to talk with us about what being food insecure means. We will invite the leader of the "Grace to Go" mission to talk with us about the service provided. Children will work as Sunday School begins and as it ends, and students will take home, in large envelopes materials to further create placemats. They will bring these back to class completed. They will write to their parents a letter asking to earn or use their own money to buy small mints to tape to the placemats.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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