Gibbons Garden

  • Location
    Summerville, South Carolina
  • Status

The Problem

I would like to building and plant a vegetable garden that will provide food on a continuous basis for the Gibbons who live at IPPL.Org... the international primate protection league in Summerville, SC. There are several locations in the Sanctuary that are overgrown but great locations to plant sweet potatoes, spinach, cabbage and other vegetables that the Gibbons could eat throughout the year. The Gibbons who live at the Sanctuary which was founded by Dr. Shirley McGreal, have been rescued from horrible lives. Some were experimented on and tortured at medical facilities and poorly run zoos. Their average lifespan is 30 years but many are living here into their 50's because of their increased quality of life and we'd love to help them continue to eat healthy and have access to freshly grown food

Our Plan

The food we plant will help feed the Gibbons. We'll build the garden from an existing space we've already identified in the ( Sanctuary. The space is currently overrun with weeds but can be easily cleaned out. We will work with a Master Gardner to help us plan the garden so that it can be planted by local area students on a season by season basis. We'll build up the bed with wood to raise it off the ground then fill it up with quality soil and compost before planting. We'll then identify the plants that will grow the hardiest season by season and develop a planting calendar. Right now, leafy vegetables can be grown but the space would be great for sweet potatoes that the Gibbons love.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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