Gen2Gen Learning Spaces

  • Location
    Laurel, MD, Maryland
  • Status

The Problem

We at Dwight D. Eisenhower MS are life long learner who are dedicated to building bridges to our communities through meaning ful service learning. We wish to create learning space around our campus and the surrounding community which will spur a love for learning and an appreciation for the cultures to which we belong.

Our Plan

We will create a map of the recreational and learning spaces around the area our school serves. Students will also map the recreational spaces they most frequently use. After that we will survey the school and surrounding community to see what types of activities we would like to see held and what type of space will be needed. Once we have that information, we will partner with the local government, religious and business organization to finalize a proposal and seek funding/support. Finally we will construct the spaces and create programing for them.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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