Gardens of peace in the Middle East!

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

Creating peace through sustainable gardens. bringing children together with a common cause of helping there local communities and educating each other/ discussing struggles they have living in war torn counties. Let's create this by sending supplies an making pen pals in countries faced at war.

Our Plan

Over international borders( many of those fighting in middle eastern wars) the environment and protecting the world we live in is often forgotten. What if we could possibly bring children of different war torn countries together to not only create peace but to make a difference in there communities through sustainability. With war in many scenarios comes loss of money and education. Why don't we educate people on how to create environmentally sustainable power by not only helping them save money but help the world we all live in. But let's start small why not create small gardens in homes and schools to represent sustainability as well as the strive for peace. Lets now start even smaller and brainstorm a way to help send the knowledge and supplies to start these gardens of peace and grow sustainability over seas. Let's make a difference. Let's make peace. Let's have fun and make new friends!!!!

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Peace & Safety

The Benefit

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