Here is how the project went:
This project was wonderful. It brought together multiple generations and created a focus and topic to share experiences and gather together. Joy and laughter from the youngest at 6years old to the most experienced at nearly 80.
Through this project I/we learned:
We learned different styles of gardening (hydro, aero, and soil) and the flexibility of using different types of gardening for our lifestyles, space, and abilities. Harvesting techniques and creating healthy meals from the garden.
What I/we might change:
I would have starter plants ready for the first session so that every person has a successful plant(s) to take home and care for. We started seeds and most grew, there were a few that didn't.
My/our favorite part of this project was:
The favorite part was creating dishes and meals from the garden. It was fun to taste test 4 different types of lettuce and make your salad with your favorites.
Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:
Fun Facts: You can use something from your garden in every single meal. We were able to make lemonade and add different herbs or fruit to make 10 different combinations.