Garden of Sharing

  • Location
    Danbury, Connecticut
  • Status

The Problem

Our group decided to clean up and use some garden plots that are located on our school grounds. Our hope is to make the area visually appealing as well as useful to members of our school and local community.

Our Plan

We will are planting vegetables that will be harvested in June. The harvested vegetables will be given to families in need here at our school and also to a local soup kitchen for distribution there. Several local businesses have been kind enough to donate organic soil, seed, and gardening tools. So far we have planted seeds inside that are being cared for by member of our club. The seedlings are growing under lamps until they are strong enough, and when it is warm enough for growing outside. We have recently expanded our garden to include a much larger urban garden that is being transformed from an old basketball court at our school into a place to grow, learn, and harvest produce for families in need.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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