Fun with Outdoor Learning!

  • Location
    West Palm Beach, Florida
  • Status

The Problem

We started a new Roots and Shoots chapter at our school with some interested third grade students in December 2015. Through this program, our students mapped their community to identify specific challenges their neighborhoods face. From there, they prioritized the problems, developed a plan for a solution, and took action all the while developing the skills and attitudes to become part of the next generation of stewards of the Earth. While these students were mapping their community, they realized that there is a big need for an outdoor learning space in our immediate community, our school. They meet once a week and work collaboratively toward satisfying this need. They plan to build multiple learning centers including math, science, art, music and an outdoor classroom. This will be a place for the students to explore the world around them, learn, and have fun!

Our Plan

The students in our Roots and Shoots Club hope students at our school will have fun and that their academic performance will improve through interactive outdoor investigations. Also, our outdoor learning environment will contribute to holistically fostering richer social and emotional development and the physical well-being of our students. The students also believe that it will contribute to burgeoning an interest in science and math through connecting with nature. This interactive learning area will also incite problem-solving, and help to develop communication skills through collaborative projects and group investigations. The students in this club also hope other students and teachers at our school and around the world will find inspiration in Dr. Jane Goodall and our project, and start another Roots and Shoots chapter in the future!

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

About Roots & Shoots

We are nurturing the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

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