“From Storm Drain to Ocean: Watershed Stenciling”

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

To reduce the threat of non-point source pollution on our Marine Life, by reducing and raising public awareness. We are requesting $200 for camera equipment, with digital and video capacities.

Our Plan

Students will map GPS locations of all of the storm drains from our school to a 5 mile circumference around using Google Maps, GPS, trash weigh-ins, and accurate input of data onto spreadsheets. They will photograph their findings, and also videotape their efforts. They will come up with a rotational maintenance solution, which will be ongoing. They will then deliver a presentation to both the school at an assembly, as well as to Parents during Ecology Night in May, 2015. The Parent Night is being coordinated with an English Teacher, Mrs. Ximena Miller, whose husband is an active participant.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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