Freshman FIRST

  • Location
    Burlington Twp,, New Jersey
  • Status

The Problem

Freshman FIRST wishes to develop an awareness of community service; involvement in identifying the environmental needs of the community and intergenerational collaboration to seek avenues and resources to respond to needs to advance the livelihood, health, environment and education of the community. The Project addresses the need for students’ to understand community environmental needs and to “put into action” concepts studied in school to address these needs. Therefore, a community needs assessment conducted by the Burlington Twp. Has been discussed in our classes and we have determined areas in which we can best serve. We are currently designing and implementing a plan a schedule and resources to address the needs; maintaining a reflective journal to draft media publicity; working with staff and community volunteers in securing funding for its continuity and expansion and collaborating in designing a Project Freshman FIRST Roots & Shoots Operations Guide to facilitate replication in other schools and community groups.

Our Plan

Freshman F.I.R.S.T. Roots & Shoots Campaign: Phase I - Learning and Planning Environmental Stewardship (September-December 2016) Phase II - Leadership in Community Service & Implementation (January - April 2017) Phase III - Evaluation Dissemination, Replication and Sustainability (May- June 2017 and the next 3 school year) Develop a Freshman FIRST Roots & Shoots Project Operations Guide to help others replicate the project.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon

The Benefit

About Roots & Shoots

We are nurturing the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

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