The Problem
Hello! I am Jerred Branch; Student, Horticulturist, and overall Nature enthusiast. I am a Horticulturist at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic garden which is an 86 acre non-profit organization and educational facility in the foothills of Claremont, Ca. This Garden is the home of many endangered plants as well as large populations of nearly threatened wildlife (i.e. Sciurus griseus or the Western Grey Squirrel), from all of the California Indigenous plant communities. The South West portion of the Garden borders what used to be the Claremont Golf course. This land is now inhabited by dying swards of turf, the occasional squatter, and an enourmous amount of wildlife. My wish and dream would be to recreate this area as a Free admission extension/partner to our Garden. I would like to have a full range of outdoor activities available, these may include; archery, a fitness course, a nature center so people can experience the local wildlife first hand, ect. *I am NOT writing as a representative of RSABG