Food Prep in the Garden

  • Location
    Los Angeles, California
  • Status
  • Age Level
    8 to 10 Years
    11 to 13 Years

The Problem

In the food elective, Food: From Farm to Face, we explore the issues surrounding food inequality, food waste, and food deserts. One of the components of the class is to teach students how to choose and prepare healthier meals and snacks than those advertised to target audiences in poor neighborhoods. The problem we address with course is access to healthy food, and how to prepare the food.

Our Plan

The students will visit a farmers market and select locally-grown and in-season produce. Also, we will go on a walking field trip to Trader Joe's to select foods and condiments to use in food preparation. We are requesting funds to purchase a locking, rodent-proof cooler so that we can keep our food safe and fresh in the garden. We prepare food in the garden, and there is not a place to store foods, so we must use class time to carry items back and forth. We would like to use all of the class time to prepare and eat food. With a large cooler, we can take the food to the cooler during homeroom in the morning, and when food class arrives, we can spend all of our time in the garden preparing and eating food. The objective is to empower students to make healthy food choices, and then to know how to prepare and enjoy the foods they choose. With a cooler, we will have more options for a wider variety of food experimentation.

Themes Addressed

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    Food Choices
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    Food Insecurity
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    Poverty & Equity

The Benefit

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