flame tree permiculture project

  • Location
    siem reap
  • Status

The Problem

Flame tree permiculture is an educational project that allows Cambodian and Siem reap children to access their agricultural heritage while sharing indigenous permicultural principals. The enlivening of dry land- the growing of healthy food- and the weaving of an enlightened community are our goals for the future.

Our Plan

Veggie gardens- hen laying- biodynamic compost- goat rearing- water enlivening- chamampas building- wildlife flourishing- flower lushness- bird nurturing- tree planting while warmly caring for the children of Siem reap, their mothers and their families with community festivals and relationship weaving around a Waldorf inspired kindergarten.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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