Finding Common Ground

  • Location
    Santa Barbara, California
  • Status

The Problem

I want this project to support social change makers across the globe while providing resources to those communities in need. In addition, I want to create a student exchange program to bring students from America to these countries to help the environment, and people everywhere. Mostly, I want social issues in other countries to be addressed and broadcasted to the world so others can become change makers in their local and international communities.

Our Plan

We sell bracelets made by indigenous tribes in Paraguay, Brazil, and Ecuador. By doing this we are directly funding education in Paraguay; implanting students to have a desire for higher education, and we are providing resources to the Toba tribe in Paraguay. In Brazil we buy bracelets and directly fund a stove top project; creates stoves for poverty stricken families while reducing carbon emissions. Finally in Ecuador we work with Tuntiak Katan, an activist who is raising awareness about the environmental detrition in Ecuador along with preserving Ecuadorian culture and tradition. We want to create social change in our communities by using Social Entrepreneurship as the solution.

Themes Addressed

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    Indigenous Rights
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The Benefit

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