Feed My Starving Children

  • Location
    Tucson, Arizona
  • Status

The Problem

Our group was invited to participate in a city-wide project by Feed My Starving Children. We packaged dry good materials in packets that will be shipped to developing countries worldwide. These prepackaged meals are specially balanced for nutrition for children in Africa and Asia. We wanted to contribute to the three day effort to make and package over 90,000 separate meals!

Our Plan

Our group was divided into groups: mix the materials; fill and weigh bags; seal the packages and pack boxes. We received training and worked for over 4 hours to make the goal. At the end of the three days there were more than 90,000 meals ready to be shipped!

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Food Choices
  • term icon
    Indigenous Rights

The Benefit

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