Family First- Viennese students for chimpanzees

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The Problem

We are collecting mobile phones in school to bring back the resources (in the phones) to the production cycle. We are aware of the massive impact of the usage of mobile phones on nature (e.g.. Coltan-Mines --> Deforestation, Animals loosing their habitat, child work..).

Our Plan

We will make a movie for all students of our school telling them what we do (collecting mobile phones), why we do it (rescue apes) and how everybody can take part to rescue nature. We made research about: -life and biology of chimpanzees -the deforestation of the rainforest in africa and its consequences for the apes and also the whole planet -the resources used in mobile phones (50 different components are used for the production of mobile phones e.g. Tangle, Lithium..) -research about ecologically friendly mobile phones ("the Fair-Phone", eco-friendly usage of mobile phones) - research about the usage of mobile phones in our school - waste management in general (e.g. why is it important to separate the waste and to bring old mobile phones back to the production cycle) We named our project "family first" because our next close relatives in the animal kingdom are chimpanzees.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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