The Problem
The trash that gathers at the local middle school that is adjacent to Shingle Creek, the headwaters of the Florida Everglades.
The trash that gathers at the local middle school that is adjacent to Shingle Creek, the headwaters of the Florida Everglades.
We picked up the trash that is collecting close to the creek to prevent it from reaching the creek.
It was very successful. We even had a jogger help us pick up a bit of trash!
We learned that we helped many different native animals that call the creek home.
We need to bring a 'grabber' to reach trash that is located behind a chain fence, since we cannot reach.
As a group, we realized that the clean up was not a difficult nor a daunting task. We had to work hard, but it was not difficult to do at all. We celebrated with milk shakes for a job well done!
Always have fun doing it! Remind yourself of all the communities, flora and fauna you are helping simply from picking up trash.