Endangered Species Project

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

Our goal is that all students at the Jane Goodall Environmental Middle School (JGEMS) will understand the value of biodiversity and the various threats to species worldwide. The students will apply their skill and knowledge in developing recovery plans for one endangered species and its habitat.

Our Plan

The is the 21st year 7th grade students from Waldo Middle School and now the Jane Goodall Environmental Middle School have done this project. Working in groups of five to six, students learn the concepts of conservation biology and then study a particular endangered species and their habitat. They develop both an in-situ and ex-situ conservation plan. They submit these plans for review by experts working with the various species. At the end of the project the students present their recovery plans to a panel of experts. Student also visit local elementary schools to talk about their species and what students in Salem, Oregon can do to protect the species and the environment as a whole. The JGEMS students also raise money to support conservation efforts for their species.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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