End It: Putting a Stop to Modern Day Slavery

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

This project is a collaboration between fellow Roots & Shoots youth leader, Laurie Findley, and other youth leaders around the country. We hope this project will spark discussion and raise awareness about the issue of Human Trafficking. The Los Angeles event will be focused on Child Trafficking, as LA is one of the top jurisdictions of the country with the highest child sex trafficking rates. Things need to change and we want to end it by putting a stop to modern day slavery.

Our Plan

This project is about raising awareness through human trafficking awareness marches, seminars, and events to be hosted across the country and in Ethiopia and Argentina. In Los Angeles, we plan to host a seminar specifically targeting the issue of child trafficking here in Los Angeles. We will host survivors and speakers, such as clinical pyschologists and social workers who work in the field.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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