Refuse to Ride! Helping elephants 🐘 ♥

  • Location
    New Delhi
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age
  • Group Type

The Problem

DO NOT RIDE THE ELEPHANTS. It may seem fun but to to train elephants they are stolen from their mothers and go through a painful training known as \"the crush\". They torture them until they are do afraid,they\'ll do anything to avoid getting beating. Don\'t even bother asking the trainers if the elephants were treated well or not cause the just say \'\'oh no, our elephants are treated very well.\" Another thing is that people make elephants beg for money on the road which injures their feet and much more. Also,never go to see elephant shows.

Our Plan

But wait! There is a group called wildlife sos and they are trying too help elephants. (Visit their website They managed to entirely stop the cruel practice of dancing bears in India and now they\'re foucousing on elephants! You can follow them on Facebook and Instagram too. On the website you can buy cool merchandise (the money used to help. I now buy all my friend\'s birthday presents from there and explain about them so they know) , donate and sign petitions. I want you to also spread awareness to the public about this and about wildlife sos! So let\'s do this! Join me! (Note:They help other animals too.) Collect donations too,by selling art,old clothes, books,toys,and by performing something.

Themes Addressed

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    Animal Welfare
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    Wildlife Trafficking

The Benefit

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