EF Recyclable Fashion Show

  • Location
    Thornwood, New York
  • Status

The Problem

There are two aims for this project. We want to raise an awareness within the student body for two things. First, we want to deliver a message that recyclables could be usable in many ways instead of being thrown away as trash. We planned to deliver this message because we witnessed many reusable materials have been thrown away in the school. We felt that a project about promoting this message would help. Second, we want to raise attention on Leukemia. We have a teacher who is diagnosed with this disease. Through this project, we hope students would be more familiar with it.

Our Plan

After several discussions within the group, we decided to host a fashion show. We would only use recyclable materials in the fashion show so that not only could we promote a message that these materials are more useful than most of us think, but also we would not generate more waste. We would also put a theme of Leukemia for the fashion show.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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