Edible Garden

  • Location
    Portola Valley, California
  • Status

The Problem

We would like to plan and design a vegetable garden. We will plant and nurture the garden with the hope that our work results in an edible harvest for the gardeners. We have grown edible gardens in the past, but the ground squirrels have gotten to the fruits of our labor first.

Our Plan

What The Project Will Do Our project will expose children to slow healthy food. Our project will expose children to positive social interactions. Our project will demonstrate to young children the benefits of group work. Our project will teach young children that their food comes from the earth. Our project will reinforce the importance of children's connection to nature. How We Will Do It We will discuss and problem solve humane ways to keep the ground squirrels and other animals out of the vegetable gardens. We will make a map of the garden plotting the sun exposer of the different garden boxes throughout the day. We will research and determine which herbs and vegetables will grow best in which garden boxes. We will research native plants and incorporate several in the gardens.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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