Echo Park Clean up

  • Location
    Los Angeles, California
  • Status

The Problem

The resources for environmental water testing will challenge the students to think and do real research. Many times we only talk about what science is and never do real science because of a lack of resources. The tools will allow students to collect their data and do their analysis of it. It will challenge them to see the relevance in the work they do and understand the importance when we do real field studies in their local rivers, beaches, lakes, tap water and labs. They will learn about the ecological cycles that occur in nature and how we, humans, impact our world.

Our Plan

Students will measure, Dissolved Oxygen, take water samples, look at the lakes diversity, phosphate, nitrogen, ammonia levels, and look at other factors that may affect the health of a lake. Students will map out the places they surveyed and write a report on their findings. This will be a Yearly project

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water

The Benefit

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