Each Kindness Makes the Whole World a Little Bit Better- “The Ripple Effect”

  • Location
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Status

The Problem

My students are learning about kindness, the effects of bullying, peace, responsibility and making their world a better place. We plan to read various stories related to our topic and create posters to hang inside and outside of our school Also, we will write notes about peace and place them inside of balloons to set loose into the sky. These notes will contain our contact information so we can keep track of where our balloons went and who found them.

Our Plan

We hope that our effort to teach about peace will spread throughout our school and community. We will ask students/educators for feedback about our campaign. Making a difference in our community or school by educating everyone about peace and spreading good vibes will help us know how successful our campaign was.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Peace & Safety

The Benefit

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