The Problem
Our after school fashion club will focus on recycling used clothing and reduce the impacts of fast fashion on our world. Our community of Watsonville is a majority Hispanic and low income so online retailers like "Shien" are appealing to the middle school since the prices are low and products trendy. This creates waste as trends fall in and out of style thus building up our second hand stores and dump. Our principal has tasked our club with creating looks that are fun and fashionable within the dress code guidelines.
Our Plan
Our fashion club will be creating pieces from recycled and secondhand materials to use in our message to the school about sustainability or to be submitted into the fashion show. By researching we can create a message to take to the whole school regarding clothing sustainability as a way to reduce, reuse, and recycle our definition of fashion in order to be more earth conscious as well. Then students will make an informative video to put in the school news or present at a rally in order to show how upcycling clothing is a way to personalize, share identity, and save the planet little by little. I as the teacher will facilitate, ensure safety, and gather the materials needed.