Diversity Awareness Week- Young Women Leaders Panel

  • Location
    Greenwich, Connecticut
  • Status

The Problem

As part of a week-long event celebrating diversity in a variety of forms and areas and the empowerment of youth through inclusion and support of one another, myself and 4 other young women will share our experiences as youth leaders who do prominent work in entrepreneurship, the nonprofit sector, and leadership in hopes to inspire other youth to take action and feel capable of utilizing their voices for change.

Our Plan

We will organize and hold an hour long event beginning with a sharing of our stories and personal experiences/struggles as young women leaders with a formal presentation. Then we will have an panel discussion which leads to the opening up for questions from the audience. The goal of this speaking event is to bring recognition to young women leaders who do not receive as much credit for their work as men and hopefully inspire others to pursue what they enjoy and perform meaningful work.

Themes Addressed

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  • term icon
    Peace & Safety

The Benefit

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