Dartmouth Green Up Day

  • Location
    Dartmouth, Massachusetts
  • Status

The Problem

Dartmouth Green Up Day is an annual grassroots campaign to keep Dartmouth Green! We hope this project will become a community driven sustainable program that teaches awareness to suture generations about the importance of keeping our community clean,

Our Plan

We are a small group of Girl Scouts that have partnered with the original Green Up Day founders to help build awareness to youth. We are reaching out to the other troops (both Girl Scout and Boy Scout) to help increase participation by encouraging them to participate in Green Up Day, but also spreading the word around town. We have also partnered with the town to collect the bags of trash that we collect so that they will be properly disposed of and recycled. To date we have over 16 community groups and volunteer organizations participating in Green Up Day!

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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