Cultivating Learners Part 2

  • Location
    Rome, Georgia
  • Status

The Problem

Cultivating learners goes behind the basic curriculum because it involves community support. The program provides students, teachers and caregivers inquiry-based learning experiences that enhance student enthusiasm about science and math. Through the mini-grant we will build an innovative science inquiry program in early education by purchasing supplies and equipment to enhance science activities in and out of the classroom. These hands-on science experiences of planting and growing food will increase the awareness and understanding of math, science, reading, and writing standards and also healthy nutrition. This unique program will also give students the chance to interact with peers of different grade levels and other faculty members in a safe and challenging environment.

Our Plan

Through this program, students, educators and the community will be involved in hands-on inquiry-based learning that is directly linked to our curriculum. Program supporters will be involved in measuring growth, monitoring weather conditions, researching and reading about plants and writing about their findings. Students will integrate technology through the use of iPad to record growth, document through pictures and produce presentations using different applications. Students will also create boards to share with the global Discovery Education Network community about their program, skills obtained, and the results. We also have local farmers and garden clubs who have volunteered to mentor and present to the program. Our program will encourage healthy eating habits as well as meeting many standards and objectives within the S.T.E.M and common core framework.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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